"Salmon is actually very enjoyable to eat. But if you eat too much of it, like caramel candy, strawberry milkshake, and liquid carpet cleaner, you won't enjoy your meal very much."HAHA!!!! It's extremely ridiculous, but it still makes sense if you think about it.
So, I was thinking as I was reading the book that he was going to be all dashing and debonair looking because of the pictures of himself in his book. Like this one:
So I decided to look him up, I wanted to see what he looked like and what his real name was (because, in case you hadn't guessed yet, Lemony Snicket is a pseudonym). Imagine the surprise I got when I saw his picture:
I don't want to be rude, but that's pretty un-dashing and debonair. And his real name is Daniel Handler. Common, usual, uninteresting Daniel Handler. It was kind of a let down. Oh well, the books are still fantastic. I'd recommend them to anyone!!