Friday, October 8, 2010


AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!  I'm so excited!!  Tonight is the "For Those who Wait" concert!  Fireflight and Group 1 Crew. :)

They aren't my absolute FAVORITE bands (if they were, it'd be a Skillet/Relient K/Hawk Nelson/House of Heroes/Abandon/Abandon Kansas/Toby Mac/Newsboys/Fireflight/Group 1 Crew concert.  If they ever make one of those, I don't care how much it costs I'M GOING!) but it'll still be amazing!  Plus, I get in to the concert for free.  Ha!  My family and I are volunteering at the World Vision booth, which is a win-win situation because we get to save kid's lives and go to concerts for free.  It's pretty much the best gig ever. :)
As of now, I only have 7 hours to wait.... :)